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meet us

Welcome to Sacred Nektar

You're here because you're ready to claim your POWER. You desire to release shame,                  , and anxiety. Most of all, you're          looking for everything in everyone else when it has always been in you.

sign me up

At Sacred Nektar, our values are rooted:



authenticity, curiosity,        , humanness, and freedom.


founder // guide

Hi, I’m glad you found me. It’s been a journey to meet you here, but I’m glad we’ve both arrived. I discovered Somatics through my own healing process from narcissistic relationships and hurtful beliefs that were buried in my subconscious. I read all the books I could read, and they helped, but moving my body was the key to everything. I learned that embodiment was the true source of everything I wanted. I found that I could work on healing myself through Somatics and regulate my nervous system. I learned to shift my mindset and beliefs, while reprogramming my subconscious. I learned to decondition myself from everything I had believed before. I do this work because I’ve been in the hole too. I do this work because my journey was never about finding myself, but creating. Through all of my personal work, I realized the keys to truly taking back my innate power. I also learned to listen to my inner wisdom and guidance that was there all along. I hope to help you do the same.

work with me

Life is my teacher, but I truly love to expand my knowledge so I can guide you in a safe & trauma-informed way.

- certified somatic coach
- 200HR Registered yoga teacher
- 75 HR Advanced Yin Yoga Certification
- 30 HR Sensual Yoga trauma informed certication


Want to work with me deeper? Contact me for speaking engagements, yoga events, or anything you feel we align on.

our Mission

to empower women to reclaim their power, innate wisdom, and live authentically through the body.

I see you — I’ve been there too. We run from our true selves. Trauma and societal pressures throw us off balance. It’s easy to say "forget it" and hide, to let life pass you by. It’s easy to feel stuck and powerless against the challenges you didn’t deserve.

But you are destined for more. You are here to become the divine, powerful being you truly are. You are too extraordinary to let anyone take your power. I know it's hard to pursue your dreams and embody all the women you want to be with a dysregulated nervous system. I know it's challenging to get out of your head and connect with your body. I’ve been there—I get it. I'm with you, truly.

But you are ready for this. You are ready to take this leap, to give yourself this beautiful gift. I’ve got you.

This program will equip you with tools to regulate yourself and empower you to trust your inner wisdom. You'll walk away feeling free to embody your true self and fulfill your potential.

Can we be real for a minute?

a love letter

take a peek at my playlist

Near the ocean

My big three is all fire

Get up in my business... It's cool.

beyond the bio

my happy place

for my astrology babes

Restorative Yoga

favorite movement

Traveling, always

soul activity

All Marvel Movies

favorite movie

Rocking, definitely

favorite somatic practice


You're on your way to your most expansive journey and unfolding. Let's do this.

yesss, i'm in!

A juicy guide packed with delicious rituals and practices to regulate your nervous system daily and get you back to your highest self. Go ahead and subscribe so you can access more freebies delivered straight to your inbox.

yeah.. i need that