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All of your questions on Somatics... answered.

lets dig in

Somatic Coaching focuses on you as the “whole person," and a  modality that is body-centered. It works to help you release stored tension and stress held within the body in an safe way. Somatic Coaching brings awareness to sensations and physical responses so that you can understand the language of your own body.  Through our work together, I guide you to understand your own wisdom so that you can feel empowered to live a more powerful life, be free from anxiety, move out of survival mode and live your dream life.

what is this anyway?

Welcome to the beginning of your journey of expansion, liberation, and infinite power.

i'm ready to expand

how i work

Slowly. We will approach everything we do at a slow pace so that it can feel good to your body, and be sustainable. In coaching, there is no one size fits all method. But we will explore different practices that speak to you and help you to move through all of the things that are holding you back from living your most embodied life.

My purpose is to give you tools and help you understand your power so that you are able to move through life's challenges with ease. Here, you'll build a deeper relationship with yourself, understand the agency over your life, and expand your capacity to be seen; and that's only a taste!

My Approach

We will begin each session with grounding into the space and in your body. After we're good and grounded, we'll start to identify the topic you want to explore and how it relates to your overall intention of your journey with embodiment. 

We’ll explore your topic through speech and sense, by inviting you to dig deeper into your body. Through this, you may feel some small or large emotions. That's where the magic is. Here you will be able to gain insight and clarity on how your body is holding this topic, and where we can make room for something greater, bigger, better. We'll be able to flow right on through the session together and discuss any feelings, sensations, or other topics that may arise. 

But I like to have options, because truly who doesn't? I have a few different tools I like pull out during this work like breath work, meditation, visualization, and sensual yoga. All of these will leave you feeling embodied and so deliciously empowered. Now these modalities won’t necessarily be used at one time, so don't get overwhelmed, but we can work together to see what your body needs and honor that. After all, this is about you! I'm just here for support.

We'll close out the session with a gentle grounding back into the space where you'll be feeling complete with the wisdom your body shared during our session. Giving journal prompts and playlists to listen to after our sessions is my thing as well to continue to integrate after we close.

what are your session's like?

mmm, beautiful question...


and i have your answer

Re-connect with your body. Live in your power, and step into who you are. Period.

book alignment call

you ready? i can tell.

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yeah.. i need that